• Serwis maszyn i urządzeń przemysłowych

    Wykonujemy modernizację, przeglądy bieżące oraz naprawy okresowe maszyn i urządzeń przemysłowych, a także budowlanych. Zajmujemy się przestawianiem, jak również przewożeniem maszyn i urządzeń.

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  • Wyroby ze stali Inox

    Projektujemy i wykonujemy różnego rodzaju konstrukcje stalowe, np. zadaszenia, balustrady, pochwyty czy elementy na indywidualne zamówienie Klienta. W naszej ofercie znajdziecie Państwo instalacje do stacji uzdatniania wody (na podstawie otrzymanych projektów) oraz olejarnie, w których można uzyskać olej jadalny, jak również biopaliwa oparte na olejach roślinnych.

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Reactors and research equipment

Polish accession to the European Union enabled a number of development programmes and higher education has a chance of obtaining EU funds for all kinds …

Water treatment plants

Under the new standards of water quality, acid-resistant steel has been used for decades in water treatment plants so the water quality has improved significantly. Each…

Fencing, roofing and gates

Are you looking for an interesting idea for a fence? Do you want the gate on the property was both functional and impressive? You are at the very right place! We will meet all your requirements.


Our team specialises in finding the most appropriate solutions, preparing technical projects as well as implementing ideas and needs of our Customers. Owing to many years of experience of the company…


We have been in the market since 1999. We specialise in the production of industrial machinery and equipment for the food establishments and restaurants. We also make containers for the food industry, oil mills, as well as on individual request of the Customer.

The company also deals with service, review and repair of production lines and equipment such as twisters, vulcanising presses, tyre building machines, etc.

As part of our services, we also provide complex water treatment plants, according to the technical documentation supplied by the Customer. The use of corrosion-resistant steel greatly extends the life of the whole installation.

We also offer the services in the field of precision laser welding, owing to which we are able to regenerate injection moulds, dies, punches and blades, maintaining the desired hardness of the material (depending on the needs – up to 65 HRC).

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